1. U5 - U7 Academy: €90
Born 2018 or later
2. U8 - U18 Juvenile: €170 per child for 1st and 2nd Child
Born 2007 or later
U8-U18 membership is free for 3rd and subsequent children from one family. In this case, if any of the children are Academy members, the free membership will apply to the Academy memberships. To allow us to apply the 3rd and subsequent child membership discount, all children must be paid for at the same time.
3. Adult Players: €250
4. Adult Player Student: €180
5. G4MO: €80
Includes membership, AIG PA cover & Winter training fees
6.1 Associate Non-playing Member: €80
6.2 Associate Member Active coach: €50
6.3 Associate Member Retired: €50
7. Training Visitors: €50
Juvenile Membership Cap of €340 per Family
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